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Online Troubleshooting

Display issues of opening a PDF file in CutePDF Professional or Filler

  • PDF pages don't appear (or get a red X icon) in CutePDF window.
    Reason: You have mixed versions of Adobe Reader or full Acrobat installed.
    You might install the old version of full Acrobat after installing the new version of Reader.

    To resolve the issue:

    1) Restart your system first.
    2) Launch Adobe Reader (or Acrobat) and select "Repair Adobe Reader (or Acrobat) installation" in its Help menu.
    3) Reboot your system and try again.
    4) If that can't help, you have to launch IE Browser and check its Internet Options.
    5) In its Programs -> Manage Add-ons, please select All add-ons in Show:.
    6) Please find Adobe PDF Reader and Re-enable it (just Disable it and then Enable it).
    4) Reboot your system and try again.

    This will fix the problem. You have NO NEED to re-install CutePDF software.
    You may also click here to refer to the TechNote of Adobe Reader for this issue.
  • Download dialog box appears when opening a PDF file.
    Reason: Either you don't have the free Adobe Reader or other PDF viewer installed. 
    Or, you did not set Display PDF In Browser preference.

    To resolve the issue:

    1) Launch Adobe Reader (or Acrobat) after its installation.
    2) Choose Edit > Preferences, and select Internet under Categories.
    3) Uncheck everything *BUT* Display PDF in Browser (if it appears).
    4) Click OK

    This will fix the problem. You have NO NEED to re-install CutePDF software.